What is nearby

Spas and wellness:

  • Dolenjske Toplice Spa
    (12 km from Novo mesto)

  • Šmarješke Toplice Spa
    (13 km from Novo mesto)

Shops & hospital

  • Nearest grocery store Mercator
    (500 m from apartments)

  • Nearest shopping center Qlandia
    (4,4 km from apartments)

  • Hospital
    (1 km from apartments)

Free time activities

  • Cinema Cineplexx
    (1,2 km from apartments)

  • Sports park Loka
    (600 m from apartments)

  • Islet adventure park Otočec
    (8,4 km from apartments)



  • Novo mesto is located on the Krka River, where you can go down the Rudolf raft or the Nika raft, or walk along the river along the Župančič Promenade (Župančičevo sprehajališče) and enjoy the magnificent views.

  • Novo mesto is a beautiful old town, founded in the 14th century by Rudolf IV. Habsburg. You can take a stroll through the renovated Main Square, where the well-known fountain is located, a famous poet Dragottin Kette wrote poems about it, you can also see the beautiful city hall Rotovž and the small castle Novi dvor, where Julija Primic lived for a while.

CITY CENTRE source: (https://moja-dolenjska.si/)

CITY CENTRE source: (https://moja-dolenjska.si/)

  • Novo mesto is known for the Church of St. Nicholas and the Church of St. Lenart - this one includes a monastery library from the 15th century, containing more than 12,000 books.

  • Novo mesto is also famous for its picturesque Breg street, where small and colorful houses stand on a rock above the Krka river. You can enjoy the beautiful nature and views of the Kette Avenue (Kettejev drevored) or the beautiful Ragov log, you can witness the fairytale views of the town on the famous Kandija Bridge.

KETTE´S DREVORED source: (https://www.novomesto.si/)

KETTE´S DREVORED source: (https://www.novomesto.si/)

  • Gorjanci are the most visited hills range in Dolenjska.

  • There are many activities for lovers of culture and history too - you can see the famous Dolenjska Museum and all the archeological heritage, the wonderful gallery of the famous Slovenian painter Božidar Jakac, the National House, which was crucial in the 19th century for the development of Slovenianness in this area.

  • In the immediate vicinity of the city center is also the beautiful castle Grm from the 16th century, and you can see various shows or cultural activities in the Cultural Center of Janez Trdina and Anton Podbevšek Theater.

DOLENJSKI MUZEJ source: (https://www.visitdolenjska.eu/)

DOLENJSKI MUZEJ source: (https://www.visitdolenjska.eu/)

  • There are two wellness centers near Novo mesto, the Šmarješke Toplice Spa and the Dolenjske Toplice Spa.

  • You can also visit the beautiful town of Otočec and its castle, you can stroll through the castle park located on the islet. Novo mesto is also known for its delicious Cviček wine. Beautiful vineyards and famous vineyards are located on Mount Trška gora, at the top of which you can visit the church of Saint Mary's birth, built in 1623.

OTOČEC CASTLE source: (https://www.grad-otocec.com)

OTOČEC CASTLE source: (https://www.grad-otocec.com)

You can find more information about Novo mesto on website Visit Novo mesto and more information about its surroundings on website Visit Dolenjska.